How to achieve your New Year Resolutions in 2016
What comes to your mind when you think about New Year? New Year messages and cards… New Year wishes… New Year’s Eve… New Year Party… New Year’s Resolutions….. New Beginnings… Promise for a bright future…so on New Year’s Eve is around the corner. The year 2015 is about to end and we will enter the… (14 comments)

A Happy and a Healthy Christmas!
Christmas is a prominent time to pamper yourself and indulge in delicious festive meals. But don’t let this be the signal to stuff yourself! Living in India, Christmas may not be our traditional festival but it is celebrated with a lot of gung-ho. There are cakes, chocolates, cookies and no doubt alcohol. It is the… (14 comments)

How healthy is your cup of Tea?
Want to cool down in a hot summer month or warm yourself up in winters – Tea is an enticing brew. Personally I love tea and that’s how I begin my day. From centuries, people all over the world have been using various types and mixtures of tea not only for its essence and taste… (26 comments)

4 Key Pillars of Perfect Health
Life in a city is so busy that every person finds himself or herself overcommitted. Every morning when I get up and move out, I see people running after buses or metros. It’s a race against time. People are juggling between several priorities and have no time for themselves even let alone the others. It… (20 comments)

Surprising Health Benefits of Sex
What comes to your mind when you think of a healthy lifestyle? Backbreaking workouts or healthy diet? Skipping desserts or starving yourself? Too boring….Isn’t it? Do you want to have a glowing skin? Want to cut down the risk of heart diseases or cancer or other health problems? No, am not going to give you… (11 comments)

What makes a healthy relationship?
What will you do if someday you find yourself in an uninhabited place or a deserted island? Have you ever experienced loneliness? Relationships – with your spouse or parents or children or friends or your siblings – will never make you feel lonely. Infact relationships give you the sense of self-esteem, enhance your emotional and… (14 comments)