How does Friendship affect your Health?
What is friendship? Does it mean having each other in your Facebook list? Does it mean that you meet each other every weekend? It is a relationship between two people who care for each other But does such a dry definition do justice to the concept of friendship? Well I don’t think so….. Consider this…… (13 comments)

Healthy Hair: Hair Care Tips for Monsoon
Let’s have healthy hair this rainy season! Do you like getting wet in the drizzle?? I love it….. Vow… nothing can ever beat that but here is the bad news. Getting wet in the rains is not really good for your hair. Yes!!!! It’s true! Rain water is acidic and even dirty. At the same… (22 comments)

A Guide to Dating Terms for 21st Century
Relationships have undergone a remarkable change in 21st century. This speedy change accompanied with advancement in technology and boredom has led to a major change in dating culture also. In dating, communication is a key. But in the present century, it’s hard to land that first date without knowing the dating terms and the language… (4 comments)

High Protein Foods for better Health
Humans are creatures of habit — You, Me, All of us. As we grow old, we become more rigid and set in our ways, especially when it comes to food. But it’s time to shake things up and start with your go-to proteins – high protein foods. What are Proteins? Proteins are large molecules consisting of… (16 comments)

Father’s Day: Honour your Dad!
June 19– Mark this date in your calendar as it is going to be the Father’s Day. Father’s Day is celebrated all over the world to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. The Day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting. Although it is celebrated on different dates… (4 comments)

One attitude that never lets you be happy
Asha was married off to Paresh with much fanfare. Paresh was a lawyer. Asha was happy. Her father and brother Sam were lawyers too. They had a very successful practice. Asha was brought up in luxury. Luck had it that Paresh did not turn out to be as dynamic as Asha’s father and brother. Paresh… (6 comments)

Sleeping too much – Good or Bad?
In one of my earlier posts I talked about sleep deprivation and the tips for a better sleep. So one of my friends asked me what if he is into the habit of sleeping too much or oversleeping. Is oversleeping bad? Is it possible to get out of the habit of too much sleeping? So… (14 comments)

World Environment Day 2016: Go Wild for Life
Every year June 5th is observed as World Environment Day (WED). The Day aims to motivate more people than ever before to take action to prevent the growing strain on planet Earth’s natural systems from reaching the breaking point. It helps to promote the ways to improve the environment. This year United Nation (UN) calls… (6 comments)