Sleep Deprivation? Tips for Better Sleep
Are you suffering sleep deprivation? Do you find yourself tossing and turning through the night? Do you feel cranky and irritable during the daytime? Does stress interfere with your sleep? The solution to all these problems is better sleep. A good night’s is something you might be craving for. To ensure better sleep, first of… (16 comments)

Stay Fit and Healthy – Hot Tips!
Want to know how to stay fit and healthy? Read the post to check out some hot tips! Who on earth doesn’t want to stay healthy and have that hot, sultry figure? Unfortunately, most of us either fail or tend to ignore the essential criteria for a long, fit and a healthy life. The secrets… (18 comments)

Mother’s Day 2016: Express your Love
Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world to respect all mothers and express thankfulness for all the hardships they bear. There is a beautiful poem by Howard Johnson that comes to my mind when I think of my mother: “M” is for the million things she gave me, “O” means only that she’s growing old,… (32 comments)

World Asthma Day 2016: Time to Control Asthma
The World Asthma Day is observed every year on the first Tuesday of May. The event is organized on an international level by the GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma). The aim is to bring about awareness and to control asthma all around the world. This year it will be observed on May 3rd, 2016. The Day was… (8 comments)

Iron rich Foods for Vegetarians
Want to cut out on red meat, but wondering if you will end up depriving your body of iron? This is a cause of worry for many vegetarians and vegans. Red meat is traditionally thought of as the main source of iron. So the vegetarians need to find different sources of iron to help them reach… (10 comments)