10 Amazing reasons to Smile everyday!
It happens with most of us as we walk down the road or go for a coffee at a local café – a stranger smile at us and we smile back. Smiling just happens – you don’t give it a thought before doing so. When we watch our friend doing something really silly, we smirk….… (30 comments)

A Happy and a Healthy Christmas!
Christmas is a prominent time to pamper yourself and indulge in delicious festive meals. But don’t let this be the signal to stuff yourself! Living in India, Christmas may not be our traditional festival but it is celebrated with a lot of gung-ho. There are cakes, chocolates, cookies and no doubt alcohol. It is the… (14 comments)

How healthy is your cup of Tea?
Want to cool down in a hot summer month or warm yourself up in winters – Tea is an enticing brew. Personally I love tea and that’s how I begin my day. From centuries, people all over the world have been using various types and mixtures of tea not only for its essence and taste… (26 comments)

Can Fatty Foods make you Skinny?
Eat fat to burn fat. Sounds crazy? Years ago when I was working on my fitness and weight loss plan, a friend of mine gave me a suggestion. She told me that if you want to burn fat then eat fat. My immediate reaction was that it’s insane. How can eating fat burn it? It… (12 comments)

Slow down Aging  and look Young!
Aging is inevitable and inescapable. Most of you might think that age is just a number. But it is something you cannot do away with. It happens to each and every one whether in your 30s or 40s or beyond. For a friend of mine the moment came when she was just 29. I met… (26 comments)

Is Red Wine good for your Health?
It’s December – Time for weddings, Christmas celebrations and a big New Year party. Booze will be all around you. Which is your favorite one – is it the red wine? The red wine reminds me of an incident that happened in a party few years back. While I was sitting and enjoying the music… (19 comments)

Stay Fit without Gym
Everyone wants to stay fit but each individual has his or her own reasons for not joining the gym. Some of you might be so busy with your office life and hours of daily commuting that you don’t have time to go to a gym. For some people health club might be a great place… (16 comments)

4 Key Pillars of Perfect Health
Life in a city is so busy that every person finds himself or herself overcommitted. Every morning when I get up and move out, I see people running after buses or metros. It’s a race against time. People are juggling between several priorities and have no time for themselves even let alone the others. It… (20 comments)