
Five Ways to Keep Your Gallbladder Healthy

Five Ways to Keep Your Gallbladder Healthy
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The gallbladder is responsible for the uptake of many nutrients and vitamins that we consume. Our gallbladder produces and releases bile, which then travels to the small intestine and breaks down fats into nutrients we can use for other reactions within the body. It is important to look after our gallbladder. Fortunately, many of these changes will aid in a happier and healthier you, as well as a happier and healthier gallbladder.

Eat Regularly


The gallbladder produces bile to be released each time that you eat. Skipping meals causes your bile juices to build up within the gallbladder. This then raises your cholesterol levels and can cause gallstones. Some acids that are present in bile also run the risk of causing gallbladder cancer, so eating regularly is a must for your gallbladder.

Choose Whole Grain


Whole grain foods are a great way of lowering your cholesterol. As they contain a lot of fiber, they can help to lower your LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) levels which can, in turn, reduce the risk of heart disease. This fiber will also aid in digestion and helps to flush any remaining bile from the body. The easiest ways to get extra fiber is to switch bread and pasta for their whole grain alternatives.

Maintain a Healthy Weight


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If you are overweight, your chances of getting gallstones are raised. This has been proved by many studies, with one study finding that those who are obese are three times as likely to suffer from gallstone disease than those who were a healthy weight. When you carry extra weight, your gallbladder can become larger and, therefore, not work as well as it should. This raises your cholesterol levels. Inflammation of the gallbladder can be found with a scan. This is known as a Hida Scan – Hepatobiliary Scan and is carried out by a radiologist.

Get Your Five a Day

Fruit and veg are good for the body, so they are going to be good for your gallbladder too. Vitamin E and C which can be found in many fruits and vegetables can protect your gallbladder from gallstones. Fruit and vegetables are also packed with fiber and water, which leads you to feeling fuller for longer. This is great if you want to maintain a healthy weight to protect your gallbladder.

Don’t Eat Many Fried Foods


Processed foods are a lot harder on the gallbladder to break down. Most processed foods contain a lot of saturated fat, which causes an increase in cholesterol, yet another risk of gallstones. Fried foods are also very dense in calories, meaning that you are more likely to put on weight if you eat a lot of this type of food.

Your cholesterol levels are very important in maintaining a healthy gallbladder so keeping an eye on your cholesterol levels and doing all you can to prevent bad cholesterol is essential. These changes will benefit both your gallbladder and your body and can reduce the risk of any gallbladder problems.

Comments (7)

  • Hi Sonal,

    I really appreciate the efforts you’ve made to write this wonderful post. All the mentioned tips are extremely beneficial and would definitely keep the gall-bladder of a person healthy.

    Keep sharing such helpful posts with us.

  • As well as diet being important to our health, also our appearance can affect our mental health resulting in poor diet or motivation to exercise. It is important to feel good and we all know it helps that we look our best. It is a shame people have mental health issues from feeling ugly but the reality is, society creates this. Many people need to be socially accepted and gain attention and looking good can help achieve this.

  • Your post was really helpful, i admire your hard work.


  • hi,
    yes you are right whole grain is most important we have use it in our daily meal it will keep healthy to us .
    thanks for sharing keep share .

  • Hello,

    These 5 ways are really so benifitual, lease keep on
    sharing more such health related blogs.
    Thank you.

  • hello,
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    keep posting .

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