
Essential Oils Could Change Your Life Today

Essential Oils Could Change Your Life Today
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I am sure that you have heard all the talk about essential oils recently, but what are people talking about?  Can people really extract oil from plants and use them to solve all of the world’s problems?

No, they can’t solve all of the world’s problems, but they can make significant improvements in your life.  Humans have been using essential oils for medicinal purposes for as long as we have been around.  This isn’t something new, just something that has been improved upon with advancements in technology.

Modern technology allows us to break each part of each plant down and figure out exactly what benefits we can take advantage of.  This allows us to decide what we can use for specific conditions and how to use them effectively.  Essentially, it is a modern twist on a very old way to do things.

The reason that they are making such a big splash is because it allows us to treat our own conditions without having to pay the big pharmaceutical companies.  All they are doing is extracting the same things on a smaller level and then patenting the technology so that we can’t do it ourselves.  With the help of a doctor, essential oil allows us to naturally heal ourselves and take back control of our lives.

Benefits of Essential Oils

I know it sounds too good to be true, but here are a few examples of ways that you can take advantage of essential oils in your life:

1. Lack of Sleep

essential oils

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There are many of us that have a hard time falling or staying asleep at night.  Whether you have a lot on your mind, or simply have too much energy to fall asleep, essential oils can kelp with this too.

One of the most effective essential oils for helping you get some sleep is lavender.  Lavender has the natural ability to make us relax and stay relaxed.  This makes it much easier to get some sleep!

Many people will run a diffuser with lavender oil throughout the night to help them sleep.  Another effective method is to add about 15 drops of the oil to bath water and take a steamy bath before bed.  As you inhale the oil, you will have no choice but to drift away into your dreams!

Related: Sleep Deprivation? Tips for Better Sleep

2. Gout Pain

essential oils

If you ever suffer from gout, pain relief is the first thing that you will be looking for.  You will be searching high and low for anything that will make the pain go away until the uric acid gets flushed away from the joint.  If you use the effectively, essential oils can help with this problem as well.

Lemongrass essential oil is the first one to come to mind if you are having trouble with gout.  Lemongrass does a great job at breaking down uric acid on its own, effectively solving the problem for you.

3. Snoring

essential oils

Snoring is a problem that over half of us deal with at least occasionally.  If you aren’t a snorer, chances are that you at least know someone that is!

This problem is caused by something obstructing your airway while you sleep.  As the air fights its way through the blockage, it causes vibration and produces the sound that we all associate with snoring.  If you can remove whatever is blocking the air, then you will stop snoring.

Essential oils can be very effective at this if you can figure out what is getting in your way.  One of the most common problems is allergies creating congestion in your throat.  If you can run some eucalyptus oil through an essential oil diffuser throughout the night, you could solve the problem in no time.  Eucalyptus is a natural decongestant and will break up anything that is causing you to snore

Another great idea is to gargle some peppermint essential oil mixed in water before bed every night.  That peppermint oil will effective slow the production of mucus in your throat while also reducing inflammation in the mucus membranes.

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