
Benefits of Functional Medicine in Boston

Benefits of Functional Medicine in Boston
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You go to your office one morning, and you suddenly feel nauseous and dizzy. When you get to your cubicle, you have a migraine that was not there the day or the week before. You suspect that this could be because your partner has broken up with you, you were not eating right, and you have been binge-watching Netflix until 2 am.

You go to the local clinic in Boston, and you tell the doctor that you have a headache and you don’t feel right. The doctor then asks you to rate what you feel on a scale, and he made a prescription that he gave to you. You took the drugs and felt better for a few days, but the migraine comes back once again, and you find yourself inside the same clinic where you were days before.

When something is bothering you, and you need to change your lifestyle for your health, you might be better off trying functional medicine instead of the conventional approach. The traditional method is commonly found in hospitals and clinics where doctors will cure the symptoms of your disease and not the root cause.

Focusing on the Root Cause of the Disease

The approach of an integrative form of therapy, such as Functional Medicine Boston, aims to look at the person’s lifestyle, history, family diseases, and other factors that contribute to the overall wellbeing of the patient. This is a sophisticated approach that is usually tailor-made to the patient’s needs.

In the case of migraines, there are underlying causes why a person suddenly experiences these kinds of pains. They might have started eating fast foods, and they don’t get enough sleep. They might be working too hard beyond the regular hours, that’s why they have migraines. All of these factors are taken into account contrary to the conventional approach in which healthcare professionals make prescriptions based on a flowchart of common diseases and illnesses that patients experience.

This is not to say that functional medicine is an alternative to traditional medicine. There are factors such as surgeries, operations, and dialysis that a patient needs to improve their health. These treatments are scientifically approved, and they worked for millions of people around the world. On the other hand, the goal of functional medicine is to provide a tailored approach to a person’s needs to prevent him from feeling the same pain all over again.

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The goal of functional medicine is to look at the diet, exercise routines, sleep, and the overall lifestyle of a person and see if there’s something that needs to be changed. If a breakup is a reason why a person is not eating healthy, then the emotional wellbeing should be improved. Read more about well being here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/click-here-happiness/201901/what-is-well-being-definition-types-and-well-being-skills. A person can do travels, connect with friends and families who understand him and create a support network that will ensure that she will be eating healthy food.

Benefits of Functional or Integrative Medicine

Functional Medicine

  1. Comprehensive Approach to Cure Sickness and Improve Wellbeing

Integrative medicine is a combination of alternative and conventional medicine that is evidence-based. If some of the traditional methods in treating back pain are ineffective, there are healthcare providers that can suggest osteopathic manipulation and acupuncture therapies. They may also require you to undergo an anti-inflammatory diet and massage therapy to help alleviate your pain.

  1. Treating the Person’s Wellbeing and Not Just the Disease

Aside from giving treatments and drugs to cure the known symptoms, functional medicine aims to consider all the other factors involved in a person’s wellbeing, including his biological, psychosocial, environmental, and behavioral makeup.

  1. It Sets the Foundation for Overall Wellness

Applying integrative approaches to one’s life will set the stage for good habits. When a person knows that his binge-watching and eating junk foods are harmful to his health and those are the causes of his headaches, then he can stop and switch to sleeping at 9 pm and waking up at 6 am. He can also start to improve his diet according to what he and his dietitian has agreed. He can also address his immune system, overall nutritional status, and the environmental toxins that might surround him daily.

  1. Prevent the Issue from Arising Again

The focus of integrative medicine is to prevent an individual from experiencing specific conditions. To find out more about integrative medicine, you can visit this site here. This can be done by addressing the factors that contribute to the medical condition and keeping the person from interacting or making unhealthy habits. Integrative medicine can also treat other medical conditions before they develop into full-blown issues.

In integrative medicine, the practitioners or therapists aim to treat diseases a little differently than the traditional method. Most practitioners in this field see the body as a kind of system where illnesses do have a root cause. The overall system may have something that went awry, and the therapists aim to restore the balance once again. Rather than separating the diseases into specialties and branches, they see the interconnectedness of the symptoms and the organs of the body and take actions accordingly.

This approach means that one can solve a medical problem by finding where the illness originated and if there are disturbances that should be addressed immediately. The methods may include getting tested from hidden infections, trying a detox diet, eating anti-inflammatory food with vitamin C and probiotics, daily exercise, and practicing deep relaxation.

Customized Plan for Your Needs

Functional Medicine

As one now realizes, integrative medicine aims to make sure that an individual’s body is going to have the balance that it once has. The person should be able to function normally after the tests and the therapies. In the process, he should develop healthy habits and a unique lifestyle that he will hopefully bring until his twilight years.

The tailor-made and specific plans that take the patient’s overall health into consideration can make a recovery and healing a much more enjoyable process. The effects are also for the long-term and can prevent future occurrences of certain medical conditions that a patient has acquired before. If you want to know more about integrative medicine, you can visit a practitioner that specializes in this kind of field and reap the benefits afterward.

Comments (3)

  • Hi Sonal,
    I totally agree that you need to help the whole being and not just the symptoms. I am pleased to see a lot more holistic doctors online that are giving us tips for better eating and sleeping habits as an example.

    A customized plan for the individual is a great idea.

    When I have too much coffee my sleep is affected which means the next day I’ll feel sluggish and cranky.

    Take Care
    Justin recently posted…Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass to Their Top Personal Growth ProgramsMy Profile

  • Sonal,
    This article is a breath of fresh air! I’ll be the first to admit that I’m prejudiced towards “Big Pharma” profiting off our health issues, but they don’t even try to hide it anymore. The cost of medicine, consults, surgeries have sky-rocketed, and I firmly believe that if people would change their eating habits and incorporate an exercise plan, they would solve a ton of their issues. If you could put the benefits of a healthy diet, and regular exercise in a bottle, it would be a miracle pill!
    Unfortunately, taking a pill is easier than exercising daily and eating nutritious foods that fuel the body! I would love to see more articles like this. Keep up the great information!

  • Hi Sonal,
    its great.i read every line of your post.i’m a medical student .i like to read and research information about medicine .from your post i really understand lost of new things that help me to gain knowladge and many ideas.thanks for sharing you idea.take care.

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