
Understand Gentle Dentistry with Farnham Dentistry in Jacksonville, FL

Understand Gentle Dentistry with Farnham Dentistry in Jacksonville, FL
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If you are concerned that you are having far too many dental procedures, it might be time for a second opinion. Even discounting than the cost, no one wants to undergo more medical treatment than is absolutely necessary.

Although you should be getting a dental clean and checkup at least once a year, every six months ideally, with this routine your dental professional should be able to advice you on future treatment. In fact, one of the reasons to ensure you don’t miss out on your regular check-ups is stay on top of issues before they arise.

Unfortunately, people avoid going to the dentist for a range of reasons. These might include worry that any procedure will hurt, a fear of the dentist or simply have not seen the value. When you are talking about Farnham Dentistry, you are referring to a gentle dentist that will listen to you and understand the reasons you may have for not visiting a clinic more often.

Is Gentle Dentistry Just Marketing?

Because the term seems to be appearing everywhere, there is confusion around what this actually means – particularly when not all dentists are as gentle as they claim!

A holistic dentist will take into consideration any concerns or phobias you may have. Using the most advanced technology, and fully qualified professionals who are trained in not only dental care, but in being responsive to patient needs.

Pain Free Dentistry

Being pain free isn’t just about not using a rotary drill, or even about providing Septocaine or Novocaine(see here) before treatment although these things certainly help.

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Using behavioral management techniques to help you relax is certainly one of the tools that well-trained gentle dentists have at their fingertips, as many of the issues that people have with any treatment stems from fear and being tense intensifies this.


What Is Advanced Dental Technology?

There have been remarkable advances in technology, in fact, it is one of the largest areas for medical develop in America While safer x-ray technology and better tools for plague removal or cavity prevention are of incredible benefit to patients and dentists alike, sometimes pain free treatment comes from even simpler technological developments. Check this link for more info:https://finance.yahoo.com/news/united-states-dental-devices-market-122200880.html

From less obtrusive suction to make surgery more comfortable, to mouth blocks which relieve jaw fatigue or even dental mirrors that don’t fog up, the range of improved technology is surprisingly far reaching and covers all aspect of dental care). Dentists who stay up to date with professional development and constantly development their knowledge and awareness of technology with a focus on creating the best experience for their patients, are more able to provide a more holistic treatment.

Are Gentle Dentists Registered?

While “Gentle Dental” is a term that is used by the Gentle Dental Network, dentists do not need to be members of the network to practice gentle dentistry. However, they must be registered and licensed dental practitioners.

Registration with professional bodies such as the Jacksonville Dental Society or the American dental association (ADA) not only allow you to have an increased level of confidence that your dentist meets all the legal and ethical requirements to be a member, but also insures that you are working with a professional who has a body of knowledge and support to call upon.

Gentle Dentistry For Children

Fear of the dentist often starts with a bad experience during childhood. Sometimes it might just be something as simple as a random person appearing wearing a surgical mask that frightens a young person, while other times it might have been the necessity for ongoing surgery.

A gentle pediatric dentist will try to develop a rapport with the child, explaining what is going to happen in terms that they can understand. This is one of the most important aspects to reassuring anyone, but it is incredibly important when working with children.

Because of the unique difficulties that can occur when working in pediatric dentistry, it is a specialist field, and being able to work with someone who is passionate about this field ensures that your child is not only in safe hands, but that they are less likely to develop issues about visiting a dentist later in life.

Comments (4)

  • Thank you very much, the information was of great value, it benefited me greatly, thanks from the heart.

  • I am a Family Dentist and I thought this was a great article underscoring the importance of a gentle approach to Dentistry, especially when working with kids. Sonal really underscores the importance of gentle dentistry and positive childhood experiences in preventing the development of dental fear, anxiety and phobia in our cherished little ones. The unique challenges mentioned by Sonal bring with them a tremendous sense of reward when you can help young children to develop good dental habits while fostering a positive association between health and trips to the Dentist’s office.

    I have found that most Children can be treated easily if patience is taken. A slow pace with breaks works well for little kids and teens alike. I have noticed that children will develop an unspoken trust with you that only grows over time. It is an honor to treat young children and Sonal, you emphasized all the important points in a very comprehensive and well-written article. Thank you!

    Kyle Hornby
    Dr. Kyle Hornby recently posted…Dental Cleanings: 4 Important Things to Know!My Profile

  • As a patient, I find that the demeanor of the dentist is almost as important as the technique the dentist uses. My dentist is a kind and gentle man as opposed to the dentist I had in the Navy who was efficient but not gentle.
    Terry recently posted…The Importance Of Oral HygieneMy Profile

  • Amazing! This is really a priceless piece of information. Very Valuable. I learn a lot.

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