How does DNA affect your sex life?
What do you notice when you enter a middle school classroom? Puberty hits some children earlier than the others. You may find some students daydreaming about their girlfriend or boyfriend and about kissing. While others, are planning their future course of studies. A new study now suggests that your genes or DNA not only drives… (4 comments)

Does Heartbeat Fluctuations affect your Wisdom?
Where does wisdom come from? Does your heartbeat fluctuation affect your wisdom? Should I listen to my heart or my mind? Should I go practically or emotionally? These questions pop up whenever we need to take a decision. The long–debated issue is now solved.   Recently, a study was conducted by Canadian and Australian scientists.… (6 comments)

Govt’s gift to its people to Control Diabetes
In a major move to fight the rising diabetes in the country, the Indian government inked an agreement with a Hyderabad-based firm to develop medicine to control diabetes. According to the agreement, software will be developed to keep tab on diabetics and those in danger of this lifestyle disease. The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was… (4 comments)

World Health Day 2016: Beat Diabetes
World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7th April across the world. The day marks the beginning of World Health Organization (WHO). The aim of the day is to draw attention of the people towards important global health issues. WHO or World health Organization, is a working body under the UN which deals with… (6 comments)

Can Travelling improve your sex life?
Yes, travelling can improve your sex life. Want to know how? Just read on….. Recently, a study was conducted in Britain which suggested that travelling not only improves your health but also helps to lose weight and gain confidence. Moreover it makes you feel younger and also increase your sex drive. Isn’t it great news… (10 comments)

Health Benefits of Blood Donation
The spider bite will not transform you into a Superhero but the prick of a needle can. Each time you donate blood, you save upto three human lives. Here is some more amazing news for you! Donating blood is not only beneficial for the person on the receiving end but there are many health benefits… (8 comments)

Health Budget: Key focus of Delhi Government
While India has the fastest growing population, and a motivated growth ambition, it has always had an unreasonably small health budget. Good health should be significant enough to be a national goal in itself. Delhi government this year has decided to increase its health budget, strengthen medical facilities and thus invest in human resources. The… (6 comments)

Football reduces risk of Heart Diseases, Diabetes
Most of you love watching football ….right? When the football fever takes over, people are just glued to their television sets. Why not experience the benefits of playing the game rather than just watching it. What does playing football exactly do? When you play football, there is a whole array of movements taking place such… (10 comments)