10 Hobbies to beat Stress and Depression
The wonderful season of monsoon is here but it doesn’t result in our stress levels getting any lower. Most of us deal with full-time jobs, attending meetings and seminars, paying those never-ending bills, and much more. It is as if something is constantly pulling us this way or that way. In such a situation it… (8 comments)

11 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water
All of us start our mornings with a hot cup of coffee or tea to warm ourselves and wake up. Some of you may also prefer a glass of cold water to replenish you in the morning. They have now become our morning habits. Nevertheless, it’s time to think again on how you start your morning… (18 comments)

Playing Pokemon Go has Health Benefits
The GPS-based Pokemon Go mobile game is taking the world by storm. Do you want to be the very best, like no one ever was? Do you know that even playing a mobile game can have health benefits? Yes it does….. According to Matt Hoffman, DNP, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of… (12 comments)

How does Friendship affect your Health?
What is friendship? Does it mean having each other in your Facebook list? Does it mean that you meet each other every weekend? It is a relationship between two people who care for each other But does such a dry definition do justice to the concept of friendship? Well I don’t think so….. Consider this…… (13 comments)

High Protein Foods for better Health
Humans are creatures of habit — You, Me, All of us. As we grow old, we become more rigid and set in our ways, especially when it comes to food. But it’s time to shake things up and start with your go-to proteins – high protein foods. What are Proteins? Proteins are large molecules consisting of… (16 comments)

Sleeping too much – Good or Bad?
In one of my earlier posts I talked about sleep deprivation and the tips for a better sleep. So one of my friends asked me what if he is into the habit of sleeping too much or oversleeping. Is oversleeping bad? Is it possible to get out of the habit of too much sleeping? So… (14 comments)

Sleep Deprivation? Tips for Better Sleep
Are you suffering sleep deprivation? Do you find yourself tossing and turning through the night? Do you feel cranky and irritable during the daytime? Does stress interfere with your sleep? The solution to all these problems is better sleep. A good night’s is something you might be craving for. To ensure better sleep, first of… (16 comments)