
How to Keep a Long-Distance Relationship

How to Keep a Long-Distance Relationship
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Long distance relationships deserve a separate book. Usually, two loving people have to leave away from each other because one of them gets a better job in another city, goes to another country to study for a year, or frequently travels on business. Although they are separated by miles, they are still a couple and their relationship goes on. Long distance is a real challenge for a romantic relationship. They say weak love can’t stand this test, while the real one gets even stronger. Anyway, if you find yourself in a long-distance relationship, you want to know how to keep it alive. It’s not as easy as when you live under the same roof, but if you really cherish your relationship, it’s absolutely possible. You just need some online advice and expert team.

How to Keep a Long-Distance Relationship

  1. Communicate with your partner every day

long-distance relationship

Technology is on your side when it comes to staying in touch with your loved ones. Various messaging services are at your disposal. Make sure you create a 24/7 presence in your partner’s life. Text your significant other throughout the day, exchange funny pictures, share news, etc. Have a Skype talk every evening. Don’t wait for your partner to make the first move. Call or text them whenever you want. It takes a few seconds to type “Miss u”, “Love you”, “What’s up”, but it’s so pleasant for your loved one to receive those messages.

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  1. Talk as if you are not separated by the distance

Focus on your present and avoid serious conversations about your future. Talk about some trivial things partners usually touch upon in their everyday conversations. Tell your partner what you prepared for dinner or that you bought a nice scarf. Such talks create the illusion of presence and involvement. In addition to this, you get to know your partner better.

  1. Keep it moderate

Although regular communication is important, your partner shouldn’t get the feeling that you’re controlling them. And you will quickly get tired of maintaining your relationship and start perceiving it as a hard work. So, stick to the principle less is more.

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  1. Establish some rituals

long-distance relationship

For example, send good morning and good night texts, exchange photos to see what you wear. It’s important to have your own rituals, they draw you closer. Even if your relationship started out online and you were on several real dates before.

  1. Do something together

You think it’s impossible? There is nothing impossible in this world. Even being miles away, you can simultaneously watch some movie and then discuss it. You can get in touch via Skype and start cooking in front of your cameras and then have breakfast or dinner together imagining that your partner is not on the screen but across the table.

  1. Enjoy your alone time

long-distance relationship

Take your geographical separation as a temporary freedom in a good sense. When your loved one is away, you realize that you have a lot of free time that you previously spent with them. Now, you can use that time for self-improvement and meetings with friends, for instance.

  1. Come to visit your partner

Find every opportunity to meet with your partner. They can come to where you are or you can travel to them once a month, for example. Those face to face meetings are extremely important for keeping an emotional connection alive. Also, serious matters require a real-life conversation. You don’t want to load your partner with your worries or express your concerns on the phone, because indirect communication can breed misunderstanding. When you see your partner’s face, communication is easier and the level of trust is higher.

Today, long-distance relationships are quite widespread. A lot of people meet through online dating sites and keep virtual relationships until they finally go on a real-life date. Follow the tips above and your relationship will stand the test of distance.

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