
Is CBD Harmful to the Endocannabinoid System of Pets?

Is CBD Harmful to the Endocannabinoid System of Pets?
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With little knowledge available on the endocannabinoid system, even for humans, there are a lot of inquiries about how CBD could affect this fragile system in pets. For many pet owners who use cannabis or are looking to use it for treating certain conditions in their animal companions, you must learn about the risks associated with the use of this substance. 

Luckily, according to numerous studies carried out on both humans and animals, there aren’t many risks associated with the use of CBD. It even has a more positive effect on animals as it helps with treating conditions such as pain and difficulty eating or sleeping. But as with every type of medication, you have to be concerned about how it affects the brain. 

As you may already be aware, the central nervous system comprises of the brain and spinal cords. These two crucial systems are responsible for coordinating responses in the body, and the endocannabinoid system, short for ECS, lies somewhere in between. There is a summary of the canine central nervous system in the link below. 


The Endocannabinoid System in Pets

Like that of humans, the ECS of pets comprises of lipids. This means that both cats and dogs react to cannabis the same way as humans. While most CBD products have a soothing and calming effect on the body, it is common for there to be increased paranoia and anxiety when THC Levels are high. 

The endocannabinoid system in pets is saddled with the responsibility of processing the cannabinoids found in CBD products. Aside from regulating the duties of cannabinoids in the body, the ECS also performs other essential duties in the body. Some of the functions of the endocannabinoid system in pets include

 innovative weight loss pills
  • movement of muscles
  • coordination and balancing 
  • digestive tracts 
  • stability and mood regulation 
  • regulates reproductive processes in females and males
  • brain development 
  • regulates blood pressure and heart rate 

While there are many other ways the ECS is of benefit to the body, using CBD does not have any negative impact on your pet endocannabinoid system. But still, you want to follow all the recommended safety procedures when it comes to using this for dogs and cats. You can find more here on the benefits of the ECS in pets. 

Another important piece of the ECS is the gastrointestinal tract, which is responsible for digestion and extraction of nutrients. Also, part of it is the immune system, which is the body’s defense mechanism against diseases and infections. Older pets who have difficulties with their ECS could use CBD to get the boost they need. Since they can improve the immune system, they can help better deal with pain and inflammation. 

How CBD Affects ECS in Pets


It could be said that CBD is used to boost the endocannabinoid system in the body, but this is not entirely so. The body initially contains cannabinoids that are present in the ECS in the form of proteins. There are receptors in the endocannabinoid system which binds to cannabinoids known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. 

CB1 receptors are present around the vicinity of the brain and spinal cord. They are responsible for regulating specific responses in the body. Some examples include the body response to hunger, mood changes, and the storing of memories in the brain.

CB1 receptors are a main component of the central nervous system as they regulate essential functions in the body. Giving your pet high levels of CBD regularly could impact the functions of the CB1 receptors in the body. This is why it is always best to use responsibly. 

CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are present in the immune system. They could also be found in the nervous system where they help to process pet CBD oils. These receptors process all the CBD oil you feed your pet and are responsible for assisting the body to adjust to its impact.

Once the CB2 receptors bind to CBD, the effect is a calming and relaxed feeling, which is heightened with marijuana consumption. You can find more information on ECS by holistapet, so you can check them out to learn about the endocannabinoid system in pets. 

CBD and Pets Health 

While CBD doesn’t harm the endocannabinoid system in pets, you must be aware of the risks involved with its abuse. Using high doses of CBD oil on your dogs or cats could do more harm than good.

There is only much that the body can process at a time, so it is always best to stick to the recommended dosage. You can always find the information on how much to use by checking the directions on the product label. 

You should also source your products from the right outlets, and ensure that they are from organic farms. While there are many strains of cannabis available, you want to avoid using those that contain high levels of THC on your pets. This is because they possess psychoactive properties, which could be harmful to dogs and cats.