7 Yoga Poses to reduce Belly Fat
Yoga means to unite the mind, body and the spirit. It not only burns calories and tone your muscles but is a complete mind-body workout. Yoga is a combination of stretching poses and meditation. What gives rise to the flabby tummy – a flawed lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, no exercise, and extreme level of stress? The wider is… (10 comments)

10 Diabetes Myths Busted!
Can people with diabetes eat potatoes? Is your blood glucose affected by fruits and veggies? Is drinking alcohol safe for diabetics? These are some of the questions that pop up in the minds of people with diabetes. As per the latest statistics, around 65 million Indians suffer from different levels and different types of diabetes.… (16 comments)

Kiss Day 2016: Express your Love
Here is the seventh day of the Valentine Week and it is Kiss Day. This day is very popular among the couples who wait for a golden chance to kiss their loved ones and express their love. The whole week is spent in gifting roses, chocolates and teddies before the arrival of Kiss Day on February 13.… (10 comments)