
7 Steps to be Happy just by Controlling your Breath

7 Steps to be Happy just by Controlling your Breath
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Happiness is a goal in the lives of all people, the definition of happiness varies according to the beliefs and thoughts of each person, but you must know that happiness goes hand in hand with fullness and emotional tranquility.

Two people living in the same situation almost always react differently, this is how each brain interprets that reality. The way you breathe can influence how the brain interprets that reality.

Emotions and breathing are related, for example, in case of intense fear the breathing is difficult and heavy, while in anxiety states the breathing is very fast and ineffective, people with depression breathe slowly and with constant sighs.

The best-known breathing techniques


Abdominal breathing

Breathing with the lower chest causes the projection of the abdomen, hence the name.

An easy way to learn this technique is to lie on your back with a book on your chest and try to breathe without moving. The diaphragm is forced to move and the lower part of the lungs that is not normally used is accessed, so much more oxygen is incorporated into the bloodstream and increases the body’s ability to eliminate toxins and improves attention span.

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Relaxing breathing

It is very appropriate for use in a stressful situation. Inhale normally and exhale twice as long as it was inhaled, so that the lungs will be completely emptied. You can try inhaling while mentally counting two seconds and exhaling mentally counting 4 seconds.

7 steps to improve your mood using your breath

1.Synchronize your breathing

For your breathing to be harmonious, 4 points must be moved synchronously: From your belly button to the pelvis and from the clavicles (chest) to the upper abdomen. When you breathe properly, the 4 points move in sequence, favoring tissue oxygenation and provides calm.

2. Relaxing breath

Place your hands at the level of the lower abdomen, between the navel and the pelvis, without putting pressure on the area. Try to breathe without moving your chest, using the diaphragm. These deep breaths can also provide you with calm and relief from stress.

3. Inhale in a period

Inhale through your nose and mentally count to 4, then exhale slowly, counting to 8. This is a basic way to train your breath daily.

4. Repeat 10 times

Inhale and exhale 10 times in one second to release the tension of the muscles of the breath. Avoid repeating this technique after the risk of getting dizzy, use it only to prepare your muscles.

 5. Sequenced breathing

This type of breathing is similar to a sigh, you must place one hand on your chest and keep the other hand on the abdomen. You will breathe for a time, a count of 1 to 4 to inhale and exhale in 10 times.

6. Ocean breathing

It consists of keeping the hands as in your chest and abdomen, in this case, the inhalation is in 6 times, slowly and the exhalation begins releasing the air first from the chest and finally the abdomen you must perform it in 12 times.

7. Remember a happy moment

Regardless of the type of breathing you do, at the end of the exercises, try to remember 3 happy moments you have lived recently, fill your mind with positive vibes.

This page was curated from the article about Breathing exercises at RemedyList.com

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