Quit Smoking to Live Longer!
There was a time when people could smoke anywhere and everywhere – almost in all public places. You could see cigarette ads all around. But today we are aware about the harmful effects of smoking. Smoking is banned in public places and cigarette companies are not permitted to advertise. Millions of people across the world… (46 comments)

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Tomatoes
Whether you refer to a tomato as a fruit or a vegetable, there is no doubt that tomatoes are nutrient-dense, superfoods and thus the health benefits of eating tomatoes are many ranging from weight loss to healthy hair and skin. Tomatoes! They are sweet, juicy, and delicious! Everyone knows they are good for you, right?… (22 comments)

World Heart Day: 6 yoga poses for a healthy heart
This World Heart Day, gift yourself a healthy heart and mind. Thanks to the fast-paced and sedentary lifestyle that many of us are forced to live, health has taken a back seat in our list of priorities. People are more bothered about meeting targets and deadlines than eating and living healthy. Most times, we often…

Retirement boosts positive changes in Lifestyle!
What is retirement – it is a road from one lifestyle to another. Can retirement bring about positive changes in the lifestyle of elderly? Yes it can. There is a famous saying, “While there are lots of books available on retirement, the only book that really matters is the one that you write yourself!” Contrary… (8 comments)

How to achieve your New Year Resolutions in 2016
What comes to your mind when you think about New Year? New Year messages and cards… New Year wishes… New Year’s Eve… New Year Party… New Year’s Resolutions….. New Beginnings… Promise for a bright future…so on New Year’s Eve is around the corner. The year 2015 is about to end and we will enter the… (14 comments)