Allergic problems!

Discussion BoardAllergic problems!
Oruganti Bhavana asked 8 years ago

how to get relief from nasal allergy? actually this come in many ways, such as , sneezes , rashes , itching , etc. it doesn\’t even let eat vegetables like brinjal , pitwaa , cluster beans and the list is big! 

1 Answers
Sonal Talwar Staff answered 8 years ago

There are different ways to treat nasal allergies. Some of them are:

  1. Take medication: Many different medications are available to treat nasal allergies. Antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids, and leukotriene inhibitors may all be prescribed to manage nasal allergies.
  2. Control the cause of allergy: If asthma or eczema is causing or worsening your nasal allergies, it’s important to treat those conditions to manage allergic rhinitis.
  3. Avoid allergens that trigger your symptoms: Whether you’re allergic to molds, pets, cigarette smoke, or nature’s outdoor allergens, doing your best to limit your exposure to those irritants can help manage your symptoms. Stay away from allergens that you can avoid, keep your windows closed to keep outdoor air out, and keep your house clean and free of dust and mold.
  4. Try a home remedy to ease nasal allergies and congestion. If you have excess mucus in your nose that is causing difficulty breathing, make a homemade nasal wash with one-half teaspoon of salt, a pinch of baking soda, and one cup of warm water. You can also buy over-the-counter saline solutions to rinse the nasal passages.
  5. Consider getting allergy shots (immunotherapy). Allergy shots inject a small amount of an allergen into the body to allow it to build up a response to it. But they’re not for everyone — typically, they’re given to people who can’t control nasal allergies through medications and avoidance.

Your doctor can help you figure out the cause of your nasal allergies and find the right treatment.

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