What Is Periodontitis: Symptoms and Causes
Dental care is one of the most important parts of your healthcare. You need strong and healthy teeth and gums in order to chew and process food properly, prevent bacteria from getting in and live your life without pain. And let’s face it – you want to enjoy your life. You don’t want to scream…

Benefits of Functional Medicine in Boston
You go to your office one morning, and you suddenly feel nauseous and dizzy. When you get to your cubicle, you have a migraine that was not there the day or the week before. You suspect that this could be because your partner has broken up with you, you were not eating right, and you… (3 comments)

Haritaki Capsules –A Real Gem
This present age has a lot of things flying around and buzzing for relevance. Companies are trying to push one thing or the other but nothing can beat ancient and all-natural superfoods,especially one that originated from the Eastern regions and is gradually making waves in the west.  Haritaki, a fruit whose botanical name is Terminaliachebula/…

Tips on choosing the Best Physiotherapy Clinic
Have you recently experienced a terrible back pain? Or perhaps you are looking for a relaxation massage? Whether you require pain alleviation or a simple relaxation for your overstrained muscles; physiotherapy is the right solution. There’re numerous private physicians as well as physiotherapy clinics in the area where you live. The more convenient option would… (2 comments)